Module Store

About Store

Rapid SCADA Module Store helps users find and download additional modules developed by various authors. For developers, Module Store is a platform where an author can present his modules to potential users or buyers.

Module Store is located at

Module Requirements

Community developers can develop any modules for Rapid SCADA. To publish in the store, a developed module must meet the following requirements:

  1. The module web page should contain the contacts of the author and technical support. There is no need to create a dedicated module website. This can be a shared site such as a forum, social network, or GitHub.
  2. The module must be documented. It is recommended, in addition to the text manual, to develop a video instruction that is desired by users.
  3. If a module duplicates the functionality of paid modules developed by the Rapid SCADA team, then the price of your module should not be lower than the price of a similar existing module.

The final decision to publish a module is made by the moderator.

Module Naming

Module name should reflect the purpose of the module, and may also contain the full or abbreviated name of the author. Suppose an author named Lion King has developed a driver that implements the MQTT protocol. Then the appropriate module name would be Lion MQTT Driver.

Module file name is related to the module display name. Module file names use prefixes to indicate the type of module. For example:

  • PlgChartPro.dll - Webstation plugin,
  • ModAutoControl.Logic.dll - Server module,
  • DrvTelegram.Logic.dll - Communicator driver,
  • ExtTableEditor.dll - extension for the Administrator application.

It is recommended to use a file suffix to indicate authorship of a module. Continuing with the example, the driver file might be named DrvMqttLion.Logic.dll.

Add Your Module

To add your module to the store, fill out the form. Below are guidelines for completing some of the form fields.

Module home URL Specify a web page that contains general information about the module. Example:
Module documentation URL Specify a web page that contains instructions for setting up the module. Example:
Download URL Specify a link to a cloud storage where the author can easily upload new versions. Examples: