Install on Windows Manually

Manual Rapid SCADA setup provides full control over the process of the software installation, update and uninstallation.


  1. Install Internet Information Services (IIS) by selecting the corresponding Windows components.
  2. Install ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.x (Hosting Bundle) and .NET Desktop Runtime from this link.

    Note: If the web application is not needed on Windows, skip the item 1 and install only .NET Desktop Runtime.

  3. Copy the application files to the Rapid SCADA installation directory C:\Program Files\SCADA
  4. Register the services by executing the following files as administrator:
  5. Register the web application:
    1. Open IIS Manager.
    2. Open the module list and make sure the AspNetCoreModuleV2 module is present.
    3. Create an application pool named ScadaAppPool, set .NET CLR version to No Managed Code.
    4. Open the advanced settings of the created application pool, and set the Identity parameter to LocalSystem.
    5. Add a new web site named ScadaWeb, specify the created application pool, available TCP port and the path
      C:\Program Files\SCADA\ScadaWeb

    Note: HTTP port 80 is used by Default Web Site. Use another port, such as 10008, or stop Default Web Site.

  6. Create a RAM drive for writing logs:
    1. Install the software for creating RAM drives, for example, AMD Radeon RAMDisk or Dataram RAMDisk.
    2. Specify the log directory in ScadaInstanceConfig.xml, for example, R:\SCADA\
  7. Create a shortcut to the Administrator application (ScadaAdmin.exe) on the desktop.
  8. Restart the computer to start services automatically.
  9. After restart, open http://localhost:PORT or http://SERVER_IP:PORT in a web browser.
    Username: admin
    Password: scada


  1. Stop and unregister the services by executing the following files as administrator:
  2. Disable a RAM drive.
  3. Open IIS Manager and remove the previously created web application and application pool.
  4. Delete the Rapid SCADA installation directory with all contents.
  5. Remove the Administrator application shortcut from the desktop.