Installation of Additional Modules
Rapid SCADA supports additional modules which extend the software functionality. This section contains a description of the common installation sequence that is typical for most modules.
Installation of Server Modules
The sequence of installing a new or updating an existing module of the Server application:
- Close the Administrator application if it is running.
- Unzip the module installation package.
- Copy all files from the SCADA folder of the module installation package to the Rapid SCADA installation directory, the default is C:\SCADA, with the hierarchy of directories retained.
- In case of using Windows 8 or higher, find C:\SCADA\ScadaServer\Mod\Mod*.dll, open the file properties and unblock the file.
- Start Administrator, open the project and open the Server > Modules page using the project explorer.
- Select the installed module in the list of unused modules and click the Activate button.
- Perform the configuration of the module specified in the module documentation.
- Save the project and upload the configuration to the server using the
Installation of Communicator Drivers
The sequence of installing a new or updating an existing driver of the Communicator application:
- Close the Administrator application if it is running.
- Unzip the driver installation package.
- Copy all files from the SCADA folder of the driver installation package to the Rapid SCADA installation directory, the default is C:\SCADA, with the hierarchy of directories retained.
- In case of using Windows 8 or higher, find C:\SCADA\ScadaComm\KP\Kp*.dll, open the file properties and unblock the file.
- Start Administrator, open the project and open the Communicator > Drivers page using the project explorer.
- Make sure that the installed driver is in the list of available drivers. And if the driver is selected, its description is displayed.
Installation of Webstation Plugins
Additional modules for the Webstation application are called plugins. The installation sequence for a new plugin:
- Unzip the plugin installation package.
- Copy all files from the SCADA folder of the plugin installation package to the Rapid SCADA installation directory, the default is C:\SCADA, with the hierarchy of directories retained.
- In case of using Windows 8 or higher, find C:\SCADA\ScadaWeb\bin\Plg*.dll, open the file properties and unblock the file.
- Login the web application as administrator and go to Main Menu > Plugins > Installed.
- Find the new plugin on the page and click the Activate link.
- Perform the configuration of the plugin specified in the plugin documentation.